(: Black Blank Blog :)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Brick by brick my citizen…

To much effort to mow the lawn. We decided to take out the lawn and change to the special kind of grass that cannot be found from anywhere else but my mom’s home. Since my grand pa’s time, he took this kind of grass from somewhere (no one can tell). Its specialty is no cutting required! How nice!! But I need to wait patiently

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Packing time..

It is always better to leave when you've been wasted so much time somewhere. It seems to be out of control but it is actully what I really wish for.

So now I am packing and ready to go back to Thailand. One big lugguage, one smaller, two hand bags and one laptop. They are all quite heavy. I don't want to imagine carrying these luggages from 4th floor of the apartment and hope the weight will not exceed the airline's weight limit.

From all the terrible things I experienced in this trip..(small and old apartment, too much of idle time at work and too short period of time informed before we have to leave.) I also found at least a couple of good things..

* Opportunity of English practice
* Traveling and having new friends
* And may be ..Flying.. Thai airways express (non-stop) for 16 hours

..That's all..